Bob Dylan Fall Tour Dates – Tickets on Sale at TicketHub

Bob Dylan Fall Tour Dates – Tickets on Sale at TicketHub

Singer-songwriter and an artist, Bob Dylan has been entertaining his fans for more than 50 years and still coming up with his latest fall tour, starting on October 17th at Paramount Theatre – Seattle, WA.

Bob Dylan is an influential artist on the music industry and a member of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Songwriters Hall of Fame with many others. Bob Dylan’s tour will include live performances across major U.S. cities like Seattle (Oct 17-19) Portland, Los Angeles (Oct. 24-26), Oakland (Oct. 28-30), Minneapolis (Nov. 4-6), and many more – before it ends with four consecutive performances at Beacon Theatre – New York, NY from Oct. 28th Dec. 2nd.

Tickets for Bob Dylan live concerts are already on sale at TicketHub and below is the list of all the dates and venues.

Bob Dylan Tickets